What are the benefits of hand-picking Kona Coffee?

Why are Kona Coffee beans hand-picked? All Kona Coffee is hand-picked. This means one person selectively picks the ripe coffee fruit, which we call cherry, due to its color. Every...
Brian Asbjornson

What's the big deal about peaberry beans?

What are peaberry beans, and why might you consider trying them? These ultra-rare beans have a unique shape, size, density and flavor profile, which, to many, make them the go-to Kona Coffee when you want something special.
Brian Asbjornson

New Year's Coffee Resolutions!

We make New Year's resolutions for health, wealth, and relationships, so why not make some for Kona Coffee? Here are five New Year's resolutions for enjoying Kona Coffee: Explore Different...
Brian Asbjornson
The History of Kona Coffee

The History of Kona Coffee

The history of coffee in Kona, Hawaiʻi, is a fascinating tale of agricultural development, cultural exchange, and economic significance. Mountain Thunder is proud to carry on the tradition of Kona Coffee...
Brian Asbjornson